
Shipping Updates

Missing Parcels for BO and Dec boxes

It has come to our attention that Auspost has lost a number of orders that were sent together in pods. 

This includes a percentage of December books as well as Blood Oath. This is honestly the last thing we all needed right now and while we wait for these crates of parades to miraculous never be found we are going to replacement them asap with stock from our US containers.

For international customers your books will be send from the US.

For Australian customers your books will be bulk shipped via DHL to Australia and then sent to you via EXPRESS POST.

We know how stressful and frustrating these delays have been. Our team has worked against such crazy delays that were right out of our hands! We could not be more sorry that this has happened and are so deeply grateful for such a supportive subscriber group.

This is the FIRST lot of delays that Fabled has experienced and it is definitely NOT a situation we want to ever happen again.

To ensure this, we have made significantly change moving forward. Much of the delay has stemmed from not just the initial shipping delays but with significant printer issues as we beg and plead for books that were submitted up to 6 months ago!!. There have been multiple ongoing delays with the printing of our books that have us tearing our hair out in frustration…and this insanity continues. 

So we made the decision to introduce some big change and will be sharing all the details in our May Fabledish!

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